Medical Device Simulation

From device development and production, through to clinical trials and adoption, simulation has been used for a whole range of functions in the healthcare device industry.

Medical Device Manufacturing

Simulation has historically been used in all areas of the manufacturing industry, including medical device manufacturing, to improve performance and reduce costs.

Boston Scientific were challenged with identifying areas of inefficiency in their cardiac battery manufacturing line. Using SIMUL8 they were able to identify bottlenecks and test scenarios to improve efficiency, resulting in savings of $150,000.

Read the Case Study

“Using SIMUL8 we could visualize the production line and actually see queues building up in our process. From this we tested various scenarios to improve efficiency resulting in savings of nearly $150,000.”

James Larson
Principal Industrial Engineer
Boston Scientific

Device and Resource Adoption

Simulation models can help health organizations see the benefits of new devices and plan for the necessary changes required to adopt.

Adopting new devices as part of patient care processes can be disruptive and require staff to change custom and practice. It is also not always clear how the new device will impact the system.

  • Can pressure on staff time and resources be relieved?
  • Will it require more time on particular processes?
  • What are the cost, resource and outcome implications for organization overall?

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